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The Bed Slats Workshop
Shop nowFrom £15.00
FREE Length Cutting Service
Each Set is CUSTOM made to your Specification
HIGHER-GRADE of Timber than our Competitiors
100% European Beech
Quick In-House Manufacture and Dispatch
Sustainable Products
£15.00 GBP
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Our flat solid Beech bed slats should not be mistaken for beech sprung bed slats.
These flats beech bed slats are a premium alternative to pine bed slats. Beech timber is recognised for Stability, durability, density and strength. Beech also has fewer
These bed slats are sold individually and are ideal for replacing individual broken slats and for adding extra support to reduce the gap in between your current slats.
We also manufacture Solid Beech bed slat sets to your exact specification. You can select your width, length and number of slats in your set.
Timber Species - Solid Beech
Width - 70mm
Depth - 20mm
Length - 1600mm (Cutting Service Available)
If you require pine slats longer than 1600mm; you should purchase the next size up and we can cut them down for you.
10mm in from edge
Drill Diameter - 5mm
Bed Slats tend to vary in size from bed frame to bed frame. Even though mattresses are standard sizes; the slats will vary. Bed slats will be smaller if the mattresses is the same size as the bed frame and larger if the mattresses sits within the bed frame.
"Measure Twice, Buy Once" :)
On most wooden bed frames, you would screw in each individual slats. We recommend using a Pilot Hole to stop the slat from splitting. Some wooden bed frames do not have a flat ledge for the slats to rest on, they have set spacers/blocks; you must purchase the same width slat. These do not need to be screwed in place.
If you have a Metal Bed Frame - please see Locking Legdes
We can customise you individual Solid Beech bed slats on request by offering the following services
If you have any questions or need further assistance, Please feel free to email our customer services team.
Please Note: The Beech Bed Slats are not curved and do not require bed slat holders to attach them to your bed frame. We also supply Sprung bed Slats.
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