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Bed Centre Rails and Components

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Exclusive Replacement Bed Centre Rails, Adjustable Support Feet and Centre Rail Brackets

A bed centre support rail is a piece of timber or metal that runs down the centre of your bed frame (from head to toe) that provides support or extra support for your bed slats.

Most Double, King size and Super King size beds that have bed slats require a bed centre rail running down the length of the bed frame. It is debatable whether a small double bed requires one; depending on the type of slats used.

Depending on the dimensions and materials used on your centre rail, you may require additional support via centre rail feet or a centre rail foot to strengthen the rail.

Our Central Rail components consist of

- Replacement Bed Centre Rail Kits (for both Flat Slats and Sprung bed Slats)
- Bed Centre Rail Support Feet (Designed and Manufactured In-House)
- Metal Centre Rail Brackets (Several different brackets available)

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